
  • picoTrackerPortable


    picoTracker is a DIY music tracker that can be built with off the shelf components and built by soldering all the components together using wires, this is laborious, prone to errors and limits some of the design choices. I set myself to create a PCB for the project that could be easily built to make things easier. This set me off in a different direction and ended up creating a portable version of the picoTracker.


  • rp2040 audio clocks


    I’ve calculated what are possible crystals that could be used in audio applications with the rp2040. The premise is to be able to generate i2s MCK, BCK and LRCK while also produce exact 48MHz USB clock. The two best crystals I came up with in the range valid for the rp2040 (between 5MHz and 15MHz) are 9.216MHz and 12.288MHz. These two crystal frequencies seem to be widely available too. Analysis was based on audio sampling frequency of 44100Hz. Results for other audio frequencies are provided but there might be crystals that are better suited for those.